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For Companies


Business Languages Courses


If you are thinking of improving your foreign language communicative skills and cultural awareness in a business environment we can help you or your employees achieve these goals.


Finding the right words in a social context can be difficult enough, but in business it can make or break a deal.


If you are either working within an international company or have business relationships with foreign speaking clients or business associates. We Offer:

Cultural awareness training


This course is designed to inform more about different cultures; knowing about this difference not only gives the confidence to get about more easily but can make the difference in business success.


We help you to create awareness of different cultural and individual styles to maximise business operations at home and abroad.




These courses prepare you or your employees for living and working in a new country, preventing cultural shock giving you the means to communicate and be confident in your new experience.


Presentation Skills Training


Speaking in a foreign language in front of an audience can be very stressful. We can help you prepare business presentations, develop your speaking skills and build more confidence; also we will focus on the difficult phrases and pronunciation.


Telephoning / Conversation


Strong telephone skills in an office environment is absolutely essential; one of the most unpleasant situations is picking up the telephone to speak in a different language when you don’t feel confident. This course is designed to develop telephone communication skills and make you feel more confident. We will focus primarily on vocabulary and pronunciation as it is essential to communicate effectively by phone.


Intensive Course


This is ideal for individuals or companies who need to learn and progress in a language quickly or under deadline. We can design and deliver specifically for each individual client; if necessary we can combine elements of all the above courses.


We provide:


Half day Intensive Courses....(5 hours)

Full day Intensive Courses.....(8 hours)

Weekend Intensive Courses...(8 hours per day)

If you need other course formats, please contact us and we will be happy to create a course alternative for you.

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